Professional Referral Form

If you are a professional (police, refuge, domestic abuse charity etc.) and one of your clients has a pet (or several pets) that need to come into foster care so that they can escape domestic violence and abuse please complete the form below. One of our team will be in touch with you as soon as possible to see if we are able to help. Your referral will be treated in complete confidence. Please make sure that you have consent from your client to make this referral.

Please supply as much information as possible to help us process the referral as quickly as possible and to enable us to match their pet(s) to one of our Pet Foster Carers.

  • Pet Owner Information

  • If yes, please complete the rest of this section.

  • If so, please provide a safe contact number or email and let us know when it is safe to make contact e.g. day and time.
  • Pet Information

  • Please give as much detail as you possibly can about the pet’s health and any treatment they have received.
  • For example, likes, dislikes or particular triggers that may cause the pet’s behaviour to change e.g. such as becoming fearful, over excited, withdrawn or aggressive?
  • Refuge4Pets can provide all essentials if required.
  • Dogs Only

  • Cats Only

  • Horses and Ponies Only

  • General Information

  • Please note that if we are able to provide a foster placement for their pet(s) we will need the owner to read, understand, consent to and sign a copy of our pet fostering agreement. Thank you for your referral, we will respond within one working day of receiving the referral.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.