Contact us
The best way to contact Refuge4Pets is to click on the relevant button below, which will take you to a contact form that applies to your specific enquiry. This will enable us to reply to you as quickly and effectively as possible.
The best way to contact Refuge4Pets is to click on the relevant button below, which will take you to a contact form that applies to your specific enquiry. This will enable us to reply to you as quickly and effectively as possible.
Contact us about
placing your animal(s)
in our foster care
Refer a client to us
for help with fostering
their animal(s)
Sign up to
become one of our
Pet Foster Carers
Sign up to become one
of our Fundraising or
Office-based Volunteers
Click here to send us a general enquiry including press requests
Refuge4Pets Office Hours
Monday to Friday 10am – 4pm
Telephone Number
0300 4000 121
Email Address
Correspondence Address
(this is our postal address, our location is confidential)
PO Box 160
Cornwall PL14 9DR
Refuge4Pets Registered Charity No. 1174331
Important note about the images shown on this website
We take the confidentiality of our victims/survivors and their pets very seriously. We will NEVER publish any images of the animals in our foster care. All the images you see on this website (and in our social media posts) are from stock image libraries – they are not of the actual pets in our care.